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Archives for category Cozmo’s Tips

Diabetes… It’s all about SUGAR!

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We have probably heard our parents, teachers and family members say that if you eat too much sugar you will get Diabetes. While this is a myth, in the United States 25.8 million people suffer from Diabetes, which includes children and adults. This means that 8.3 percent of the population of the United States has Diabetes. 18.8 million people are currently diagnosed but is calculated that about 7 million more are undiagnosed. This means that...

Watch your Cholesterol!

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Cholesterol is a fat produced by the liver and it’s extremely important for normal body functioning. There are two types. The good cholesterol (HDL) prevents arterial disease and helps the body get rid of the bad cholesterol. The “Bad” cholesterol (LDL) carries the cholesterol from the liver to the cells. Sometimes too much is carried and then too much is accumulated. This increases the risk for arterial damage. It is very important to...

Please watch your Arterial Blood Pressure

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High blood pressure is called “The silent killer” because many people suffer from it and don’t even know they have it. High blood pressure also known as hypertension means high pressure (tension) in the arteries. Arteries carry blood from the heart to all the tissues and organs of the body. High blood pressure is not necessarily caused by emotional factors but it can help increase it. Normal blood pressure is considered...

Taking time for yourself

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“15 min a day” use to just be calm, read, talk to friends and family on the phone or take a bath.

“1 hour a week” use to do something you enjoy. Get together for a dinner with friends or get a massage.

“1 day a month” take one day a month to just hang out and get away from work. Go out and be social or stay in and make it a lazy day with loved ones.

It really is that easy!

Contact your friends and...